As I began to consider delving into the world of blogging, I wondered: What the hell do I have to say?  I live and breathe my job, but I certainly don’t want to subject others to those mundane details, ad nauseam.  Then someone expressed that what may seem commonplace to me, working behind the scenes in the entertainment world, is interesting to others.  OK, so I supChimpanzee playing with a laptoppose that posting some uncelebrated jottings about managing the band, booking world tours, and other such music biz experiences is a given, as is posting interesting bits while on tour. But what else?

My friends have encouraged me to also write about my travels, and wine (Dave and I love tasting good wine, all over the world), as well as the stories that I write.

And so, while I may not have the time to blog here daily, I promise to try blogging something from time to time, words that I hope some will find interesting—be it business bits, wine musings, or notes from the road as my time and stable Internet access on tour allow.

Here I go, headfirst….Stay tuned.

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