Among other managerial duties, the bulk of my recent time has been devoted to advancing the details for each show on the upcoming European tour while simultaneously planning next year’s US spring tour.

Planning a tour is like a jigsaw puzzle.  I always route out the dream tour on paper, aiming to get the band to every major market in the States and abroad.  With research tools in hand, I ensure that the logistics of getting from point A to point B are, well, logical.  But when reality strikes and not every venue is available on my perfectly routed dates, then I must either research alternatives or completely scratch that particular market from the tour routing and hope that we can get there the next year.  My days are filled with trying to reach (and convince) new promoters/talent buyers; many remain non-responsive, which usually means they aren’t familiar with the band.  Creating a tour is truly a test of patience and flexibility.

And then there’s staTravel concept iconmina…but not just mine.  Dave is a stud when it comes to shows—he’ll sing and play for two-plus hours each night for four nights in a row without a gripe.  Hell, he’ll even do an occasional five in a row without too much grumbling.  But every stud-master needs a day or two off here and there (hello, laundry day?).  My friend, Denise Martin (Eric Martin’s wife and manager) once joked with me that Eric would divorce her if she booked him three shows in a row.  Every singer certainly has his threshold, and knowing what that is for many other professional singer friends I must say that I’m pretty damn lucky when it comes to managing this band and booking their tours.  Dave’s rock-solid pipes don’t often fail him—not even on the fifth show of the occasional five shows in a row (sorry, dear).  However, if I were to push that to six shows in a row, not unlike Denise, I’d be treading murky waters. lol

It’s tricky business, this tour planning, with so many pieces to consider.  But once all the stars align with my tour routing, I can breathe a big sigh of relief….Until it’s time to advance each of those shows and create the tour itinerary.

managing a band, music business, touring